Crustless Bacon Leek and Sweet Potato Quiche | Slimming World

Crustless Bacon Leek and Sweet Potato Quiche | Slimming World
prep 10 mins
cook 45 mins
total 55 mins
author slimming eats
yield 6 slices
This recipe is gluten free, Slimming World and Weight Watchers friendly
·      Extra Easy - 1/2 HEa per serving (1 slice)
·      Original/SP - 1/2 HEa per serving (1 slice) - swap sweet potato for butternut squash
·      WW Smart Points - 5 per serving (1 slice)
 Allow 3.5 syns per slice, if not using your Healthy Extra A choice for the cheese.

·      4 slices of lean bacon (all fat removed), chopped
·      300g (10.5oz) sweet potato, peeled and chopped (or butternut squash)
·      2 leeks, sliced
·      1 small red onion
·      pinch of sweet paprika
·      300g (10.5oz) of cottage cheese
·      4 eggs
·      salt and black pepper
·      90g (3oz) of strong cheddar
·      cooking oil spray
1.   Add the cottage cheese and eggs to a blender and blend until smooth, set aside
2.   Preheat oven to 180c/350f (gas mark 4)
3.   Spray a frying pan over a medium high heat with cooking oil spray
4.   Add the onion and bacon and fry until lightly golden
5.   Add in the leeks and sweet potato, some salt and black pepper to season, plus a pinch of sweet paprika and fry for a further couple of mins.
6.   Transfer to an oven dish or quiche dish and spread out evenly.
7.   Pour over the top with the cottage cheese and egg mixture and using a spoon, stir the vegetables so that the egg mixture goes fully to the bottom. 
8.   Sprinkle over the top with the cheddar and bake for approx 30-40 mins, cheese should be nice and golden on top and quiche should be cooked all the way through.
9.   Allow to cool for approx 10 minutes before slicing.
10. Enjoy!!

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