Frozen Sangria

Frozen Sangria

Prepare time: 2 min
Cook: 3 min
Ready in: 5 min
Frozen Sangria is made of frozen berries and other liquors. In the end, you will taste a flavorful drink that also tastes refreshing at the same time. If you are interested in making some at home, simply read the article below for the complete recipe.
How to make Frozen Sangria
To blend the Frozen Sangria ingredients and serve it in your cocktail glass, you only need to spend around 5 minutes at your kitchen. what you have to do is prepare the ingredients below and follow the steps until the end.


·         450 gr of mixed berries (frozen)
·         A peeled orange
·         350 ml red wine (dry)
·         65 ml brandy like Cointreau or you may use orange liqueur
·         30 ml of lime squeeze
·         30 ml sweetener (like honey or any other sweetener)
·         Ice cubes


·         1First of all, to start this recipe, you need to prepare for a blender. Here, you need to process some ingredients in it, such as the mixed berries, oranges, red wine, brandy and lime squeeze. Pulse these ingredients until they are completely combined, and the texture becomes smooth.
·         2While processing the ingredients, you may add sweetener to the mixture if you want it to taste sweet. The sweetener used in this recipe is honey. Besides, you may also use the conventional one like sugar. Also, you may add ice cubes into the mixture to make it much thicker.
·         3After you pulse all of the ingredients for around several minutes, you may continue to prepare for the cocktail glass. Then, pour the mixture carefully into each glass. Next, if you want your drink to look much more beautiful, you may add with garnish on it, like a fresh strawberry that is put on the rim of the glass. A piece of strip straw will also look good on your amazing Frozen Sangria.

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